Monday, July 6, 2009

I think we climbed all day. Up these steep hills overlooking Monmouth, then down these steep hills to Monmouth and a nice cup of tea.

I did quite well. These hills are higher than the West Hill.

I have found an Indian Take-out place for dinners, so am happy. Am spending about 10. dollars a day for food.

I am tired, but ready for tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like you are having a blast. Next year you should try Mt. Mc Kinley, LOL. You would be ready for it from the sounds of the size of "hills " you are climbing.
    All is good here, see you in a couple of weeks.Dar.

  2. Judy called said she played with Maggie for 45 minutes, they rolled on the ground and played. She had a treat every time she went potty they had a good time. She also checked her ears they are fine.
