Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Epic Journey

As you know, I had to leave a day late. Well, I ran into so many people who were in the same boat! All the flights from Pittsburgh to Newark were canceled!

I had no trouble on Friday. Darlene and Glen drove me down, my plane took off an hour later, and I made it to Newark with no trouble.

I waited in Newark, discovered that my netbook's wifi is not working(curses)so watched the episodes of "Between the Sheets" I'd put on a little usb drive.

I sat with a couple from the UK (Liverpool)who had sailed across the Atlantic on the new Queen Mary and were flying home, and sat on the plane with a couple from Sheffield who had spent the week in NY. I got some sleep on the plane-not much. Uneventful trip.

I found the train station in Machester quite easily, talked to the agent and sat to wait for my train(had a little breakfast). A couple sat by me and we started talking-so they sat with me to Crewe and helped me get on the train to Shrewesbury. It was so nice to see people out - walking-taking the train-not just sitting in cars. Everyone was nice, but then when I open my mouth they know I'm and American. But I think they are nice anyway!

I made it to Shrewesbury(sp?)and we had to take a bus(rail repairs). Two fabulous young goth girls with orange hair led the way, and we laughed all the way to Hereford. Now, I landed at 7:30 and it was now 12:00. I waited the hour for the bus to Hay, the bus driver helped me on with my suitcase, an older couple told me when to start looking for Hay, the driver helped me off and my B&B person was right there in the car park.

It is a lovely place-such nice people!

I will post pics this week. I am going to organize and go for a walk about town. More later!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad you got there safe. Typo on last comment. :)
